10 steps towards happiness

For years I struggled with maintaining happiness. Often times, I recall myself having every reason to be absolutely ecstatic, but I would let stuff that didn't really matter, in the grand scheme of things, ruin my day. It's hard for me to let things go and something that happened a while ago still is able to frustrate me for reasons I honestly don't understand. I still struggle with maintaining happiness and letting things go, but I feel like it's gotten a little better as time has passed. I thought maybe I would share some of the things that have helped me in those bad days where everything just seems to upset me and I hope that maybe it could help one of you out there struggling with the same thing.

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others. I think that this might be the most important tip because it is really easy for us to compare ourselves to other people with social media sites. I used to really struggle with comparing myself to other people and what they are doing, but when I learned to become content with my life I noticed that I didn't really care what other people were doing and this made me feel a lot better. 
  2. Appreciate the small things in life. If you're upset honestly, just going for a walk around your neighborhood allows you to just take the time to focus on what's around you. I like listening to podcasts while I walk, or calm music. While you walk, just breathe and look around. You'll be surprised at everything you'll notice.
  3. Exercise! If you didn't already know, working out is scientifically proven to release a hormone that makes you feel good. So if you're ever feeling down, just go workout! I can recall an abundance of times where I was mad and just ticked off by the whole world and I went to the gym for 2 or 3 hours and afterwards, I felt amazing and everything I felt before just disappeared.  
  4. Make a gratitude list. Make a list of everything you love and everything you are thankful for and you'll see that your life is wonderful and you should be focusing on the things you love instead of the small things that frustrate you.
  5. Meditate. Take time to unplug and just breathe. I know I talk about social media a lot, but don't get me wrong I love using social media. I have an Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc (@meleciaa_ shameless plug I know). I mean c'mon I'm a millennial what did you expect! However, I can tell when social media turns from a fun pastime to a mindless distraction and I need a detox from it. I don't meditate often but when I do I like to use the app Headspace, it's free in the app store but there are some things that you can buy within the app if you want some extra meditation guides. (This isn't sponsored in any way, I just like the app!)
  6. Do something you genuinely love. Do you like drawing, reading, watching your favorite show on Netflix? Go do it! Do what you love and you won't have any reason to be upset anymore. This is one reason why I love sports. When I play basketball I don't have time to think about anything else and playing ball makes me excited and it's fun for me. Also, I'm no artist but when I'm upset, I can plug in my earphones, draw something, and get totally lost in what I'm doing because it's something I love.
  7. Listen to your favorite UPBEAT song. Notice how I capitalized "upbeat"! NO Coldplay, NO Drake, NO Weeknd!! NOTHING that gets you in your feels!! Dance to some Beyonce, or jam to Kendrick and you'll feel better.
  8. Get out of the house. If your mom wants to go shopping with you, go with her, even if it's to get milk from Walmart, just go. It'll
    make you feel better if you get out of the house and have a change of scenery.
  9. Take a nap. Just sleep it away, it works... temporarily. However, depending on what it is you might forget all about what was bothering you when you wake up. I don't recommend sleeping away major problems though, that probably won't be the best thing for you.
  10. Take a bath. Baths always will relax you, get some bubble bath, candles, music you like, and just breathe. 


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